Monday, February 27, 2006

I can close my own blinds, thank you

One summer, when I was a new bride, Hubby and I visited his Aunt and Uncle at their cabin. I use "cabin" very loosely it was more like a house by the lake. Although, they thought of and used it as a cabin. there we were. My hubby and "Aunt" had gone off to do or get something leaving me alone with "Uncle": "Uncle" was a paraplegic - I had had very few dealings with wheelchairs.
"Uncle" said, "It is rather bright in here?"
I thought I really should close the blinds surely he was solisticing my help. Before the thought was finished processing he had, by way of a useful device, closed the blinds. You see my assumptions were wrong I thought he was solisticing help when really he was only stating a fact.

Okay so what brought this memory to mind? The closing ceremonies of the Olympic games. Sam Sullivan, Mayor of Vancouver, is a paraplegic. Once again I found myself wondering: How is he going to hold the Olypmic flag? Surely he will need help? Once again I was pleasantly surprised.

I take these treasures and hold them in my heart. They help me overcome my own disabilities. Who among us does not need to overcome?


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