Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My wake up call

I know my alarm clock has a snooze button but I never use it. I have always sprung out of bed. Notice I am not saying I spring out of bed with a song in my heart. In fact, when I was younger my family knew that it was best to leave me alone for at least ten minutes upon rising. Like fine wine, I have improved with age. I still don't sing but at least I don't thunder. At the first beep of my alarm I arise. I have even been known to rise a minute before my alarm sounds. All of this simply to say, I do not need extra help in rising. Unfortunately, I feed my cats first thing in the morning. This has lead to a problem. Sammy has begun to wake me five minutes before my alarm. He and I both know he is not starving. He is a big fat cat who can survive those five minutes. Yet he has taken it upon himself to "help" my alarm clock. This morning Sammy and I had a nice long talk. I expressed my need for the extra five minutes and my annoyance at his behaviour. He listened and hopefully understood. We'll see.


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