Monday, May 29, 2006

Knitting camp (continued)

Continued from Friday's (May 26th) post...

Quoted from an email sent from Pete to Dean.
"Just saw Mary Lee. Don't know what happened on the phone...I hate to break it to you pal...but she ain't your cheerleader any longer. She warned me that my presence better not be one of your twisted plans to meet chicks. She handed me a list...A List...of questions
1) gauge - explain it...
2) How to prevent zig-zags in your knitting
and a knitting pattern book. Then she told me that I better have answers by the time we dock. She also wants me to select a project to knit. Instead of scoping out the prospects I will be back in school studying...studying knitting? Thanks a lot man! Me and five chicks stuck on a private island for four days - it did have potential. Then reality hits. The instructor hates association. And it looks like I'll be stuck knitting the whole time anyway. Oh ya and Mary Lee just dropped yet another cheery note. "You can kiss your email, cell and such good-bye" . Apparently the island is not in the civilized zone. She says its the best way to learn: total immersion. "If you're serious, you should thoroughly enjoy it." She said and then flashed me this she knows...thanks a lot pal.

Copyright by Leanne Dyck on May 29, 2006


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