Picture yourself in the safety and security of your favourite knitting nook. An oh so comfortable easy chair. Your legs resting comfortably on a over-stuffed stool. Your hands enjoying the luxury of yarn. Paradise. ...until. Oh, no,
or a colour spot (a discontinuity of colour in the yarn)
You must leave the harmony of paradise and travel into no man's land. Just where did you leave those scissors any way? The peace is broken.
The wise advise that this scenario need not occur. If you simply make a yarn ball. Please, don't ask me how many times I follow their advice.
I have shared how I make a ball, in my post: You and Hank (January 11th)
Here is how Joyknits makes a centre pull yarn ball: www.joyknits.com/knitbits.html
Sometimes as an artist you have to face rejection. You have to suffer the sting of being "unwanted". It's not easy.
The editors of KnitLit III attempted to make it as easy as possible. They stated that they enjoyed my submission but that due to "space and thematic constraints" they just couldn't squeeze me in. They concluded with " We hope that you go on writing". I was so excited. Linda Roghaar and Molly Wolf, talented editors, thought I showed talent. I was excited, until hubby pointed out that it was probably a form email. Sometimes its better to be naive. Never mind, I am continuing to write and this morning I began to enjoy... I plan to read one story each morning.
Word of advice: don't skip the introduction.
Tomorrow: Don't say "Wool" say "Yarn": more yarn exploration.
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