Hubby and I moved to Mayne Island catless. We did, however, have two black futons.
First, came Joey: a beautiful Manx queen. She has a timid, gentle spirit.
Then came Sammy. Sammy was raised as Joey's brother. Although, whether he truly was her litter mate is a question which may never be answered. No one could ask for better company. They came to us named, de-sexed, and fully grown. They were about four years when they moved in. Hubby and I then began our education. Being fully grown cats, it was hubby and I who had to learn to live with them.
Then along came Ticky.
Ticky thinks, acts, and looks like a boxer. Mess with him and you mess with trouble. All would be fine, expect do you remember those two black futons? Well, surprisingly Sammy and Joey didn't make much mess. However, Ticky is a different story. He feels free to shed upon them. In fact, in his opinion, it adds a homey, lived-in appearance. I do not share his opinion. I have tried everything I know to attempt to, if not eliminate the slow transition of my futon from black to white, at least control the problem: sprays, blankets, everything. Nothing seems to work.You may not be surprised to hear that my hand-knit sweater collection is extensive. To pay homepage to said collection, hubby erected shelves. One day, upon entering my bedroom, I was greeted with the sight of Ticky spread out on one of my home-spun hand-knit sweaters. After he called me every name in the book - I am thankful I don't speak cat - he was persuaded to abandoned his new cozy nook. I then walked into the living room and witnessed the mess on our futon. After using a lit brush for an hour and half (okay, maybe it only felt like it) I decided to solve two problems with one solution.
Witness Ticky blissfully at peace on HIS home-spun, hand-knit sweater that is on HIS futon.
Yes, I do have visions of knitting a cat afghan in my future. It will have to be knit from home-spun as he prefers to go natural.
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