Friday, June 27, 2008

Counting my stitches

It's Friday and for me this means time to be accountable. Just what have I accomplished? Well, I have worked on the front.

You may have noticed the rectangular of reverse stockinette stitch. You may noticed it and shook your head.
"Why is it there?" You may have asked.
Well, this is all part of my plan. You see I have an uneven eye. Because of this uneven eye I have trouble making things square: things like pockets. So I thought if I knit this rectangular patch and sew my pocket over it my pocket would be plump. Makes sense? No? We will see. If it works I will patent the idea and you will have pay millions to learn how to do it. If it doesn't I'll give you the idea for free.

There is only so long that one project can capture my imagination. Its only a matter of time until my eye begins to roam. I have such beautiful yarn in my stash. Its really not my fault. I can't help myself. So as you can see I have begun working on something else.

...and Ticky likes it too.

Have a wonderful weekend. If you're on Mayne Island go to the farmer's market tomorrow and buy Celia Leaman's new book: Writing Creatively I highly recommend it.


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