Report from the Yule log
Want to learn my technique?
Mix excitement with nervous energy and throw in shyness.)
Each year on Mayne Island we have a community Christmas tree and bonfire. It is a chance to meet and greet fellow islanders. We bask in the heart of island fellowship. Too soon it is over. I say too soon because it started at 6pm - we got there half an hour late. What I keep forgetting each year is that there is free food served at a local hot spot. Much better food than anything I could prepare may I add. Yeah, he knew my skills before he married me. "For better or worse." My meals are improving. However, I'm a vegetarian he likes meat - need I say more. Hubby busies himself wrapping presents when we get home. He walks into my studio with a huge smile across his face, "Do you want to open one present early?" He queries. Has he read December 23rd's post? "Yes!" is my reply. He hands me one gift from the huge and heavy bag he carries. Carefully oh so carefully I unwrap it BINGO! more chocolate. Now there is only an hour until he faces his final test - church. I go to church. (I may add I go to church not because I have all the answers but rather because I need help finding some ... maybe I don't need to add that.) He doesn't. However, two times during the year - Remembrance Day and Christmas Eve - he makes a concession. He sings the hymns and listens to the sermon. I sit close. He is my family. So from me and my family to you and yours "Happy Holidays!"
Kwanzaa: December 26th to January 1st
Chanukkah: December 25th to January 1st
Christmas: December 25th
Ukraine Christmas: December 25th or January 7th
Boxing Day: December 26th More on this in tomorrow's post.
(This is as close to a white Christmas
as Mother nature could give us on Mayne Island.
...and as I write the sun has just peeked through the clouds.
Yet another Spring day on the beautiful isle of Mayne.)
Thank you for reading this long post.
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