Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Boxing Day

Boxing Day:

Christmas is a wild ride. There is the rush to make everything happen: presents, gatherings, household tasks. Then there is the excitement as it happens. Then there is the crash once everything has happened.

As a pre-teen & teen-ager, I would always ask for a craft kit or book so I would be engaged in something new and exciting when the crash came. The crash always came. The crash still comes. I now have a new strategy: I phone my brothers. Nice men - you should meet them. It is good to touch base and catch-up with all the news. They are three provinces away still living in Manitoba. My oldest brother reports that there has been multi-births in the family. I have been promised pictures and will share them with you.

Boxing day is my day to re-group. It is my "mental health day".

I know that not everyone feels this way. Some rejoice that everything has returned to "normal".

Can you guess my knitting related gift from dear hubby...

Did you guess correctly?
I am complying rather a fine knitting library. So far no more than ten books... but it is the quality not the quantity that counts.

I hope that you have a fun, sun-filled day.


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