Colour: politics and knitting
Today is the day that we Canadians decide who will lead our country. Who will I vote for? I have no idea. I know the basic philosophy behind each party.
Liberals think bleeding heart liberals: social responsibility - all that jazz.
Conservatives: think business
New Demonstrates: a voice for the working man.
The Green Party: a voice for mother nature.
Hey, I just had an idea. Each party has chosen a colour to represent it.
Liberals: red
Conservatives: blue
New Demonstrates: orange
The Green Party: green
Maybe it would help if I approached this problem as if I were choosing a colour for a sweater.
I like red ...but years and years and years of wearing the same colour sweater can get boring. Maybe it's time for a change. Besides there were a few problems with the consistency of dye lot. The yarn producer says that they have solved the problem but can I believe them?
Yes, but maybe not this colour blue. Is it truly the best colour for me? ...what colour is it anyway? It's so washed out that no one can tell.
Orange. I don't know too much of it can get a little overwhelming. It's best to keep it as a trim. Maybe around the collar and cuffs.
Green. I do like it. Unfortunately, I just don't have enough to make an entire sweater. I'm afraid, if I mix it with other colours the little I have will just get lost.
Okay so that didn't work. I will vote. ...but I'm still not sure for who.
Next post: Another ball game: winding yarn re-visited.
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