Cheap/free yarn
Before I tell you of this adventure we do need to get one thing straight. The goal of this post is not to advise you to buy cheap yarn. Cheap yarn makes your project look cheap. The goal is to supply you with tips on how to find quality yarn for less or free.
Always, always buy/ obtain yarn that has a yarn band.
Okay, on to my latest adventure.
Right about now yarn shops are changing from fall/winter stock to spring/summer stock. This means that many are holding yarn sales. So I would advise you to run not walk to your nearest yarn shop. This is what I did and this is what I got.
Search the web for sites which advertise yarn for less. Be very caution when buying yarn this way. Remember that you will not be able to see the quality of the yarn until after the purchase. So look for name brands that have a good track record.
Thrift shops often sell wool sweaters. You can buy these sweaters, unravel them, and then use the wool to knit a new project.
Here is an excellent how-to site:
Another way is to save on yarn is to open a yarn shop. However, be forewarned, starting any kind of business is a lot of work. ...and sadly, doesn't always end well. Do your homework when deciding to make such a career decision. More about this topic in future posts.
Okay so that's quality yarn for less. How about free yarn?
-Knit for charity. Advertise this fact. Ask for donations.
-Tell your Grandma that you are learning to knit. Many older people reach a point in their lives when they no longer can engage in crafts. This sad transition is made easier when they realize they can pass on their craft to the younger generation. Chances are that Grandma would be delighted to pass on her stash.
-Ask a friend who spins to dinner. Over desert mention your new passion: knitting. Suggest that you would be interested in working with her yarn.
-Start dating the guy with the nicest hand knit sweaters. Ask to meet Mom. Mention to Mom that you would love to knit her son a sweater. Enquire if she would have any yarn in her stash that she would be willing to share. Whispers of this sweater will no doubt scare off the geek. Leaving you holding the yarn. This solution should be attempted with caution. Make sure you have yarn in hand before breaking it off with sonny-boy. : )
-Throw a party for fellow crafters. In the invitation instruct invitees to bring craft items which they no longer use. Say for example, a scarpbooker who thought they were a knitter can finally get rid of that yarn.
Looking ahead for a moment to when you are an intermediate level knitter. One way to save on yarn would be to offer to knit samples or teach a class at your local yarn shop. In appreciate for your service, suggest that they offer you a per-centage off your yarn purchases.
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Colour: politics and knitting.
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