Friday, March 07, 2008


Usually there is nothing to fear on Mayne Island. It is a peaceful place. No predators more furious than the marauding snug.

Usually I feel comfortable going for walks any time, any where on the island. …just me and the deer.

That was then this is now. What made the difference?
Well, a few weeks ago I went for a walk. A neighbour stopped me.
“Did you know that there has been a cougar spotting?” They enquired.
No, I hadn’t.

Apparently two cougars, somehow sensing that Mayne Island was crawling with deer, had swam from…I don’t know where…somewhere off island…and had come to hunt. Heaven help anyone who gets in their way.
Warning notices have been posted.
Deer are in hiding or…
I haven’t seen a cougar nor do I care to.
They are out there…somewhere…ready to pounce.

Tomorrow: more on cats. I discuss “Knitty Knits”


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