Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My precious

There is no knitting shop on Mayne Island. This presents some problems for me. Recently, the beautiful variegated yarn pictured here called out to me.

"Knit me! Knit me!" It screamed.
The label's suggested needle size was US 17.
I am the first to admit that I have a ridiculously vast collection of knitting needles. In my own defense, most have been gifts. Among this vast collection do you think I had a pair of US 17? You're right, I didn't.
So I did what Hubby and I always do when we need something from off island. I added to the list.
I added this item knowing full well that I would be the one hunting for and purchasing this item. Hubby does not knit. Hubby has no need for knitting supplies.
Unfortunately, when it was time to go off-island I had to work. This meant that Hubby had to go by himself. Oh, well, I thought, next time I will buy those needles. I put the variegated yarn in a box on a shelf hiding it from view.
When Hubby returned I was intrigued to discover what had been left off the list. To my amazement, I found the US 17 knitting needles.
His reply, "It was on the list."
Clearly he does know what a special man he is. I have been truly enjoying knitting with my new needles.
The birth of a new knitting shop brings much joy to all knitters. So it is with much delight I announce the birth of "Three Bags Full".


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