Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Saying good-bye to a friend

I just finished this excellent book. The tale recounts the lives of four women. They are connected through a knitting shop: A Good Yarn.
Lydia Hoffman: a cancer survivor and shop owner.
Elsie Beaumont: avid knitter and Grandma.
Bethanne Hamlin: returning to knitting and Mother of two teen-agers.
Courtney Pulanski: A teen-ager who is learning to knit.
It is interesting to see how there lives intertwine and develop.
Only one complaint: most of the lives are told in the third person except for Lydia's. I found this confusing at first. I thought that perhaps Lydia was telling the stories of the other woman as well as her own. I then realized that this was not possible.
It was a fun, light read. I didn't want to say good-bye.


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