Thursday, March 09, 2006

a small personal victory

I have delayed today's planned post of: How I learnt the knit on cast on technique. Instead...

My electric bike and I had quite the adventure this morning.

You see I had to be somewhere at 9 am. When I set out there were large snow flakes in the air. ...but they were melting as soon as they hit the ground. ..and besides it doesn't snow on Mayne Island in March. So on I rode. As I rode, the snow flakes became more solid. They whacked me in the face. At first I thought, eh this is cool I get to drink while I ride. Well, it certainly was cool. Snow hung on to my lap, my shoulders, my arms, face. I have to admit that there were times when I rode with my eyes closed. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME, BOYS AND GIRLS. By the time I thought maybe I was insane to continue I was half way there. So the question was, "Turn back and accomplish nothing or continue and win a personal victory over the snow?" I continued. I reached my destination. ...and there was much cheering. Okay, the cheering was in my head only but hey, I made it.
This afternoon heading home from my big day, I was pleased that the snow had been replaced with sun.
Tomorrow who knows. It is suppose to snow again. Once again I have that same commitment. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

If I make it home, I promise: How I learnt the knit on cast on technique.

Just to add a stitch or two of knitting to this knitting blog: the new TKGA message board is waiting for your posts. So run don't walk to I'll meet you there.


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