Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Easing into the new year

I slept in today. Then I sat and played with my muse. She's always a joy to work with. Together we are adding more and more words to my novella. It poured out of me the first time. Words came thick and fast. Friends have reviewed it and now I have begun the first (of perhaps many) rewrites. It was disappointing, at first, to realize that the novella wasn't complete after the first draft. However, now that I see how much better it can be I'm thrilled.
I'm also thrilled at the number of people who logged on to my Authors' Den web page.
My writing does bring me much personal fulfillment but how I love having an audience. The writing desk can be a lonely place. It's good to have a pal or two.
I'm writing this post on my E PC. When I get to my desk top I will be able to share this month's pick from my supply of Authors' Den submissions.
How are the submissions chosen?
I'm glad you asked.
What happens is this. You log on to the story you wish to read. A counter collects the data. At the end of the month I see which you choose. Then I post the chosen story here.
So, please wait here while I do just that.


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