Sunday, August 06, 2006

My ride

Electric vehicles are still a novel concept on Mayne Island: there are but a hand full. So the sight of me on mine has casued heads to turn.

A woman, out for a walk, literally stopped dead in her tracks to exclaim, "Is that ever cute."Among woman, "Cute" seems to be the adjective of choose to describe it.

Kids seem to take a slightly different view. Last week, I had an errand to run so I jumped on my bike. I passed a few kids on bikes heading in the other direction. The last kid I passed stuk out his thumb. Clearly, he didn't think my bike was "cute". Clearly, he thought it was "cool".

I have to agree. Electric bikes are very cool. They require no gas. They emit no toxic fumes. No insurance or driver's license is required. It is a fun ride which requires very little effort on my part. Sure hills, of which there are many on Mayne, require some pedaling but it's nothing compared to a standard bicycle. An electric bike is quiet most deer just stop amd stare as I zoom past. They are not at all alarm by the noise.

The dealership's, Greenworld Electric Bikes in Victoria on Vancouver Island, brochure describes it as the "perfect urban vehicle". It's not a bad "rural" vechicle either.

To be honest, there are a few wee problems with it. There are four street lights on Mayne Island - four. This makes for some dark nights. The lights on my bike are really not strong enough to drive in this pitch black. The bike's frame is plastic. So when you go down you will do damage.

If you fancy a loud, fast ride an electric bike is not for you.

With the price of gas and my love of nature, I am proud to call it my ride.


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