Yarn casted
As you may recall from my critic of the double cast on, one of the reasons I didn't like this method was because the length of the tail limited your number of stitches. Well, here is yet another reason that I am so thankful we are not all the same. Where one sees problems - another sees solutions. Allow me to explain: you see I receive Knit Net's (www.knitnet.com) weekly tips, tricks, and trade secrets email. In their last email Stephanie Young shared this gem.
You see Stephanie suggested that you use two balls of yarn. So I did that. The "tail" is from the green ball. The "working yarn" is from the yellow ball. Untold possibilities. I am so happy. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you, Stephanie. If you know Stephanie please thank her in person for me.
So ends our discussion of casting on...
So ends our discussion of casting on...
What am I working on?
Well, Salt Spring Island (our big island sister) has a wonderful shop, ArtCraft, which markets artisans and artists work. They open in May and close in September. As May quickly approaches, my needles are merrily clicking away on baby sweaters. These baby sweaters will be for sale at ArtCraft. How do you attach a motor to a knitting needle?
Of course as usual I have other projects on the go as well.
Next post: we begin discussing stitch patterns.
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