New book
I have been sitting on some news. I have been waiting for just the right moment to share it with you. I had planned to share the news with you this morning. ...but when I woke I couldn't access the Internet. I was disappointed because I had to run down to the Post Office so time was of the essence. While down town I spoke with friends and shared my frustrations about the Internet connection. They looked at me clearly puzzled. It seemed that mine was the only computer that was suffering such problems. So when I returned home I was cruel to my computer I rebooted it. Stood back and waited for magic to happen. Here I am, now ready to share the news.
Do you remember this post?
"I am almost finished Yarn Therapy...for the third time.You see I have been very fortunate with the help I have received on the book. The first time I received the manuscript back from my editor I got into a conversation with the owner of my favourite yarn shop. She advised me to add instructions on finishing the accessories. So this I did.
With the second finished manuscript in hand, I got into a conversation with a friend that just happens to be a workshop instructor. She advised me to add information on the basics like casting on and off and the stitches knit and purl. My immediate reaction was to justify this omission. After all, it was a first knitting pattern book not a how to knit book. With a smile, she re-stated her advised and changed the subject.
Later I began to think just why I was recoiling at the very thought of adding this information. Usually I have a reason. I knew the reason I gave her was lam. So what was the real reason? Slowly it raised it's ugly head. You see knitting is such a part of my life that describing how to knit was like attempting to describe how I walk, talk or breathe. I would have to slow down and analysis each and every step. The idea overwhelmed me. I challenged myself to attempt to do so. I wanted to present a through, well-written description of each process. I am very pleased to say I reached my goal. I can't wait to show the final (underlined three times) manuscript to my editor. I can't wait to share the book with you."
And yet I did wait. It pained me to wait. You would not imagine how it pained me. ...but finally I can share the news that Yarn Therapy now exists...

Do you remember this post?
"I am almost finished Yarn Therapy...for the third time.You see I have been very fortunate with the help I have received on the book. The first time I received the manuscript back from my editor I got into a conversation with the owner of my favourite yarn shop. She advised me to add instructions on finishing the accessories. So this I did.
With the second finished manuscript in hand, I got into a conversation with a friend that just happens to be a workshop instructor. She advised me to add information on the basics like casting on and off and the stitches knit and purl. My immediate reaction was to justify this omission. After all, it was a first knitting pattern book not a how to knit book. With a smile, she re-stated her advised and changed the subject.
Later I began to think just why I was recoiling at the very thought of adding this information. Usually I have a reason. I knew the reason I gave her was lam. So what was the real reason? Slowly it raised it's ugly head. You see knitting is such a part of my life that describing how to knit was like attempting to describe how I walk, talk or breathe. I would have to slow down and analysis each and every step. The idea overwhelmed me. I challenged myself to attempt to do so. I wanted to present a through, well-written description of each process. I am very pleased to say I reached my goal. I can't wait to show the final (underlined three times) manuscript to my editor. I can't wait to share the book with you."
And yet I did wait. It pained me to wait. You would not imagine how it pained me. ...but finally I can share the news that Yarn Therapy now exists...

I plan to have the book launch at BC's Creative Expo on November 10th. I hope you can be there. I also plan to begin work on the ebook version. It should be ready...soon.
I will be adding details (i.e. price) about Yarn Therapy on the soon...hopefully by the end of the week.
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