Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Why?...knit" an ebook

It is the time of the owl. The sun has long since set: a black blanket envelopes the earth. All is quiet...and still I am drawn by a wordless call. I am careful to wake no one as I leave my slumber. I wrap my shawl around my night-gowned shoulders, grab my purse and slip into the night. I leave the familiar and travel deep into the forest. I do not tarry. My footfalls are quick and sure. I come to a natural clearing in the woods.
"Where am I? What happens? I want more." I hear your protest. You will get more once my book is finished. "When?" I am hoping by this fall. I will let you know. Thank you for your interest.

Tomorrow: I'm going home ...and more pleasures.


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