Saturday, March 25, 2006

part II Stitch patterns: seeding your own stitches

Isn't it fun "inventing". Today I "invented" a two side pattern. Here's what I did:
I experimented with the number of stitches in the stitch pattern. "Normally" seed stitch is worked in multiplies of two: one knit and one purl. Well, I worked "my" pattern in multiplies of four:
Row 1: *knit two, purl two- repeat from * to end of row.
Row 2: *purl two, knit two-repeat from * to end of row.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 for pattern.
Homework: try this stitch pattern in variegated yarn.

Yesterday I suggested suggested that we:

row 1: knit - to end of row.

row 2: *purl one, knit one - repeat from * to end of row.

Repeat rows 1 to 2 for pattern.

This is what I got.

"How would you capture the essence of your life for the stage?"
Two young Mayne Island writers accomplish this feat with naked bravery. A monologue captures the life of a cancer survivor. A one-man one-act play is a portrait of life with mental illness. Last night they received a well-deserved standing ovation. Doors open at 7:30pm.


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