Friday, October 30, 2009

Life on Mayne Island: That's Al Folks!

The first time I meet Alan was during rehearsal. I had volunteered to be in a play. Me - the one who can't remember if she has brushed her teeth. How was I going to remember my lines? I don't know.
At the time, I was told that Alan had been in over six Mayne Island Little Theatre plays. He was described as being very talented.
Was I intimidated?
Then I meet him. Then he put me at ease. Then we enjoyed the victory of entertaining friends and family.
I wanted to introduce my new friend to Hubby. Finally I had an opportunity when I saw Alan on the ferry.
Alan walked by and I began an introduction... my introduction was cut short when the two men greeted each other like friends.
Alan is a personable, fun, Mayne Islander. And, oh, yes, he has Schizophrenia.
Shortly after seeing Alan's entertaining, informative one-man play, I shared with him the reception I receive after mentioning I have dyslexia.
"They begin to talk very slowly and use simple words," I told him.
He laughed.
Tonight I will join a large audience of Mayne Islanders (I'm hoping) as I watch - for the second time - Alan's one-man play: That's Al Folks!
An article regarding this show appears in the October issue of The MayneLiner. In that article May McKenzie is quoted as saying, "He said he wanted to do a show about 'me', about the way I am.'
Following the play, there will be a cafe style discussion on issues around mental health.
The play starts at 6:30 pm at the Ag Hall.
I hope to see you there tonight. I'll be the one laughing too loudly and clapping too often.
: ) Leanne


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