Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This month's Authors' Den pick

Do you remember when I use to report on my stories from Authors' Den?
Well, what I did was this...
I posted stories on my authors' den web site: www.authorsden/leannedyck.com
You logged on to read what interested you.
There is a counter on that site and it recorded the number of unique visitors each piece received.
I then read these stats. I posted the story which received the most hits here.
It's been a long time since I did this.
On this site I posted the entire first chapter of Maynely a Mystery. It is not surprising, that this body of writing has received a lot of hits.
However, let's focus on the short story that received the most hits.
It was: A Crush.
I offer it for your reading pleasure.

When she looked at him, her heart melted. A simple greeting or a smile was all that was required to send her swooning. Her heart beat faster and still faster until it jumped from her chest to her throat. Her heart continued its journey as it flew out of her mouth and spun around three times in mid air finally landing back in her throat. Her face blushed bright red as she stuttered and stammered nonsensically. At night, she fell asleep arms wrapped tightly around what others saw as her pillow but what she knew was his chest. During the day between school and household tasks her lips smacked loudly against her palm as she practiced kissing him.
She met with other girls who shared her obsession. They discussed his broad shoulders, his deep blue eyes and his kissable lips.
"He's so cute!" They giggled.

(c) ldyck 2009


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