Sunday, May 24, 2009

Maynely a Mystery paperback update

What did Burns' say about plans?
Well, the projected publication date for Maynely a Mystery was to be June 1st.
I'm waiting to receive the proof from the printer. It could come any time.
Well, not really any time because I live on a island. So unless the proof arrives by plane I will have to wait for the ferry. And as ferries only come at set periods during the day. Well, I'm sure you understand where I'm going with this.
So, anyway, like I was saying I'm looking forward to holding, pawing and gooking (is that a word. The spell check doesn't think so. But I do. Who's right? You decide) at the proof.
I'm so looking forward to this that I'm trying not to think about it. That's how excited I am about this occurrence.
Once I have the proof, I will search the text for flaws.
(Please don't do that with this post...there are undoubtedly many. I had a very skilled editor help me with the book. Right here, right now I'm on my own.)
This proofing the proof will -- I'm guessing -- take a couple of days.
Once done, I will give the printer the go-ahead.
Now, if this were May 19th I would be grinning. I would be content in the knowledge that everything was right on time.
However, this isn't May 19th. It is May24th. And so, instead of grinning, I'm writing this post to say that the new projected publication date is mid-June.
I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm disappointed too.
But the sun will shine, the birds will sing and Maynely a Mystery will become a book.
And when that day comes you will be one of the first to know. I guarantee you that.
Keep the faith.
All the best

The ebook is currently available.
To order, simply email:
I will send you a PayPal request for funds.
Once I receive payment, I will send you the Maynely a Mystery ebook.


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