Treasure hunting
I made a little more headway in unearthing items from the closet. I have found information (magazine articles) dating back to 2003. That's rather odd because I have only occupied this space since (approximately) 2005. So I guess what I did when I moved in was simply shove everything into this closet. The closet its self is not that big. One side has a rod the other shelves. I have a vision of my yarn taking over this space. I have visions of organization. Delusional? Maybe.
Please notice that purple lump at the bottom of the shelf. It is a beautiful Stockinette stitch cardigan. I have been in need of a cardigan and had forgotten all about it. I even designed it with pockets. Smart knitwear designer.
The only thing that was not smart is that instead of picking up stitches for the trim. I simply knit a trim separately. Not a problem. Could work nicely. Only trouble is I didn't measure twice and cut once. And so now I am stuck with this problem.
The only thing that was not smart is that instead of picking up stitches for the trim. I simply knit a trim separately. Not a problem. Could work nicely. Only trouble is I didn't measure twice and cut once. And so now I am stuck with this problem.
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